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Renewables Europe 2023

WEB Renewables 2023: A Global Outlook

Key Findings

Accelerating Growth in Renewables

The International Energy Agency's (IEA) WEB Renewables 2023 report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global renewable energy sector, highlighting the latest trends and policies. The report projects that the share of renewables in global energy consumption will grow significantly in the coming years, driven by supportive policy environments in key regions.

Leading the Way: China, EU, and US

China, the European Union (EU), and the United States are emerging as leaders in the adoption of renewable energy. These regions have implemented robust policies that have fostered the deployment of solar, wind, and other renewable technologies.

Financial Benefits for EU Consumers

The IEA report estimates that EU electricity consumers will save an estimated EUR 100 billion during the 2021-2023 period due to the increased use of renewable energy. This reflects the declining costs of renewable technologies and their ability to displace more expensive fossil fuels.


The WEB Renewables 2023 report underlines the growing importance of renewable energy in the global energy transition. The acceleration of renewable deployment and the supportive policy environments in key regions will continue to drive the growth of this vital sector, offering both environmental and economic benefits. As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and energy security, the transition to renewables is becoming increasingly essential for a sustainable and prosperous future.
