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Animation Definition In Computer

Computer Animation: The Power of Moving Images

What is Computer Animation?

Computer animation is the process of digitally generating moving images. It is a branch of computer-generated imagery (CGI), which also includes still images. Computer animation is used in a wide variety of applications, including movies, television shows, video games, and advertising.

How Does Computer Animation Work?

Computer animation is created using a variety of techniques, including:

  • Keyframing: Animators create a series of keyframes, which specify the position, rotation, and other properties of the animated objects at specific points in time. The computer then interpolates between the keyframes to create the animation.
  • Motion capture: Motion capture systems use sensors to track the movements of actors or other objects. This data can then be used to create realistic animations.
  • Procedural animation: Procedural animation uses computer algorithms to generate animations. This technique is often used to create natural phenomena, such as fire, water, and wind.

The Future of Computer Animation

Computer animation is a rapidly evolving field. As computers become more powerful and affordable, animators are able to create increasingly realistic and complex animations. This technology is expected to continue to play a major role in the entertainment and media industries in the years to come.


